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Rammstein Respond to Allegations That Fan Was Drugged at Party

Jun 30, 2023

Rammstein have responded to allegations made against them online by a woman who has claimed that she was drugged during a party before their concert in Lithuania last week.

The claims were first posted on the Rammstein Reddit page on May 23 by a user named Shelby69666, who'd attended the band's concert in Vilnius the day prior and was apparently invited to a pre-party by a member of their crew. In a since-deleted post titled "Fuck Rammstein," she uploaded a photo of a large bruise with the caption, "Spiked, no idea when this happened." The post stirred a lot of discussion on the Reddit page, but many of the posts were quickly removed by one of its moderators because it was considered hearsay. Read the moderators' post regarding the removal of the threads here.

On May 24, Shelby wrote about her alleged experience in several threads on Twitter.

"I was invited to Row 0 by Aleena Makeeva. I messaged her last week on Instagram asking how on earth do you get into after party, and that I would love to be considered. She asked my age and where I’m from, once I confirmed she then sent me a link to a WhatsApp group," Shelby wrote.

As noted by various fans on Reddit, Makeeva tours with Rammstein and typically connects with female fans to invite them to the front row during the band's shows, as well as parties before and after the concert.

According to the rest of Shelby's tweets, she, a group of girls and one man were escorted to Row 0 by Joe Letz, who plays drums in Lindemann and also tours with Rammstein. She says he invited a couple of the girls from the group to attend an exclusive party before the show, where they had to leave their cellphones on a table in the room and were encouraged to make drinks with the alcohol provided for them.

Shelby stated she only had two drinks during the party, and was then called over by Letz, who invited her to meet Till Lindemann privately underneath the stage during the concert. She asked Letz if the meeting was a "sex thing," and says he responded that it wasn't, adding that the singer is a "perfect gentleman" and that they would meet during the DJ interlude. A few minutes later, Lindemann allegedly made an appearance at the party and took a shot of Tequila with a couple of the girls, then smashed some of the shot glasses.

Shelby claimed that the show started shortly after 8PM, and that she felt very intoxicated by that point. She further asserted that when she was led to meet Lindemann under the stage, she told him she didn't want to engage in sex with him, and claims he had an outburst and stormed out of the room.

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She says she was eventually led back to Row 0 with the other girls, and then has vague memories of the next party that took place after the show. She stated she didn't drink anymore alcohol at the party, and then vomited in the bathroom and left to go back to her hotel. She apparently felt sick the whole next day, and took a pharmacy drug test, as suggested by the local police, but it came up clean.

Shelby's entire Twitter page consists of tweets about the night. She's also shared screenshots of conversations with some of the other girls at the party, video footage of her at the concert and the after party and photos and videos of bruises on her body the next day.

Rammstein have since responded to the allegations in their own tweet on May 28, writing, "With regard to the allegations circulating on the internet about Vilnius, we can rule out the possibility that what is being claimed took place in our environment. We are not aware of any official investigations into this matter."

After several reports came out, Shelby has since clarified in her tweets that she never claimed she was sexually assaulted or abused by anyone in the Rammstein camp, only that she was drugged.

We've included some of Shelby's tweets below, but please note that there are many more on her Twitter page, which you can read for yourself here. Rammstein's post is included in the tweets below as well.