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Learn More About Screen Readers for Blind or Low

Jul 19, 2023

What are screen readers?

Screen readers are a type of accessibility technology that allows people who are blind or visually impaired to use devices like phones and computers that have a screen. This allows people to access digital content when they might otherwise be unable to.

As technology becomes more widespread and harder to live without, it becomes more and more necessary to create ways to make this technology accessible to everyone. Braille works well for text on paper, but you can't use braille to read what's on a screen. That's where screen readers come in.

Screen readers are typically used by people who are blind, visually impaired, or may otherwise struggle to read on-screen content.

People may be visually impaired for a variety of reasons. In fact, the World Health Organization estimates that about 2.2 billion people worldwide have some type of visual impairment. The leading cause of visual impairment worldwide is age-related eye conditions such as:

"Normal" vision is 20/20 vision. This means that you see an object that is 20 feet away as well as the majority of other people see the same object when it is 20 feet away.

There are several different levels of vision impairment. Vision impairment is measured based on how well you see while using the best possible corrective lenses.

There are also different forms of visual impairment. These include:

Screen readers work by reading the text on your screen out loud so you can hear it. Users can adjust the speed of speech, as well as the language. They can give commands so the reader will:

There are many different screen reader applications on the market. When you’re choosing a screen reader, consider the following:

Android devices. The default screen reader for Android devices is TalkBack. TalkBack comes pre-installed on some devices. If it is not, it is likely available in the app store. On some models, it may be called "VoiceAssistant" or "Accessibility Suite." You can find it under the Accessibility settings.

TalkBack works best on Google and Samsung phones.

Apple devices. Apple devices, including computers, Apple TV, Apple Watch, iPads, and iPhones, come with the VoiceOver software. To enable this software, go into Accessibility in your device settings.

VoiceOver works best with the Safari browser but can also be used with millions of other apps.

Linux devices. There are a few different screen reader options for Linux users. These include:

Windows devices. There are a few different screen reader options that work with Windows. Some of the most popular options include:

SOURCES:AbilityNet: "An introduction to screen readers."American Academy of Ophthalmology: "What Is Macular Degeneration?"American Foundation for the Blind: "Screen Readers."American Optometric Association: "Low Vision and Vision Rehabilitation."California Optometric Association: "Common types of visual impairment."Kellogg Eye Center: "Refractive Errors."Mayo Clinic: "Cataracts," "Glaucoma."National Eye Institute: "Diabetic Retinopathy."World Health Organization: "Blindness and vision impairment."

Age-related macular degeneration. Cataracts. Diabetic retinopathy. Glaucoma. Refractive errors. Mild visual impairment: Moderate visual impairment: Severe visual impairment: Profound visual impairment: Near-total visual impairment: Blurred vision. Extreme light sensitivity. Generalized haze. Loss of central vision. Loss of side vision. Night blindness. Android devices. Apple devices. Linux devices. BRLTTY. Speakup. Windows devices. JAWS. Narrator. NVDA.