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12 keys to becoming a great fly angler

Jan 23, 2024

by Todd Tanner - Sunday, May 22nd, 2022

I had an interesting phone conversation with angling legend Tom Rosenbauer earlier this year. Tom, who has been the face of Orvis fly fishing for as far back as I can remember, called and wanted to talk trout fishing. Specifically, he asked me what folks need to do to become truly great fly fishers for trout.

I thought it over, and then thought about it some more, and finally shared the following list with Tom.

So that's about it. Before I wrap up, though, I should mention that Tom and I also discussed some things that I intentionally left off my list. Gear was one. While we all love good fly fishing gear, there's not a fly rod or reel or pair of wader on the planet that will take an average angler and turn him or her into a stellar fly fisher.

The same is true of all the various techniques that we employ. They’re important, but they’re not what separates the best from the rest.

And finally, there are flies. One of the most common questions I’m asked on the water is "what are you getting ‘em on?" Unfortunately, too many people believe that there is a "magic fly" — a fly that, at that particular moment and under those particular conditions, will guarantee their success. Truth be told, there is no such thing.

Of course, the very best anglers learned that lesson early on in their fly fishing career. Which is why so many of them will respond to "what are you getting ‘em on" with more honesty and candor than you’d expect from a fellow angler.

"A good drift."

Todd Tanner, whose stories and essays have appeared everywhere from Fly Fisherman, Fly Rod & Reel and Sporting Classics to Newsweek,The Hill and the NY Times, has been writing about fly fishing for more than 25 years. A regular contributor to Hatch Magazine, Todd also runs the renowned School of Trout.

Intent. Passion Awareness Casting Understand trout. Understand bugs. Generalists. Tie flies. Time on the water. Ask questions. Listen Concentration. School of Trout