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May 20, 2023

Tina and Meghan are best friends on 1000-lb. Best Friends, but their close bond could be the reason for Meghan's stagnant weight loss results.

Meghan Crumpler and Tina Arnold's friendship could cause problems for Meghan during her 1000-lb. Best Friends season. Although the two started out on the right foot in terms of embracing healthier lifestyles, they haven't made much progress. They both own up to their shortcomings, but at the same time, Tina could be holding Meghan back from making tremendous progress.

On 1000-lb. Best Friends, Meghan had the best of intentions. She wanted to turn things around, rather than letting her weight control every aspect of her life. During season 1, Meghan's love of food spiraled out of control. For this reason, she gained weight, and lived with other medical issues. If she didn't make a serious change, it was possible she wasn't going to live much longer. It looked like she was on the right path to make better decisions. However, now, it looks like she may be getting too comfortable having Tina in her corner. Their bond may make it harder for her achieve a truly life-altering transformation.

Related: Why 1000-Lb Best Friends' Meghan Crumpler Is Misunderstood

On 1000-lb. Best Friends, Meghan often lets her emotions drive her decisions. She's unable to separate her feelings from the reality of what she needs to do. In this circumstance, she needs someone who's going to give her a push in the right direction when that's necessary. Unfortunately, most of the time, Tina coddles Meghan. She sides with her instead of telling her the hard truth that she needs to hear. Meghan's good friend and 1000-lb. Best Friends co-star Vannessa Cross has been the opposite in her friendship with Meghan, and isn't afraid to be honest with her.

For Meghan to see success, she needs to be pushed out of her comfort zone. She's gotten used to accomplishing things without truly exerting a lot of effort. When she's faced with a challenge that requires more dedication, she tends to fight against it. 1000-lb. Best Friends has yet to see Tina truly push Meghan out of that comfortable mindset. This is another area when Meghan and Vannessa just aren't the same. Meghan barks back at Vannessa when she starts pushing her toward what she knows she can do. Nonetheless, Vannessa doesn't back down. She keeps pushing her good friend harder, nudging her towards the finish line.

Tina enables Meghan not only through falling off the wagon when it comes to her diet, but also in her actions. She worries about being too good of a friend to see that she's hurting Meghan in the long run. In an episode of 1000-lb. Best Friends, Tina made it clear that she didn't want to be a babysitter on their girl's night out. However, after only being out for an hour, Meghan quickly got drunk, and Tina realized she was going to be responsible for Meghan regardless. If Tina could finally learn to stand up to Meghan, and make it clear that she isn't going to do whatever she wants, it would help their friendship, and Meghan's diet.

Out of all four friends featured on 1000-lb. Best Friends, Tina and Meghan are the most emotionally immature. This hinders their friendship in myriad ways, and it's also put up a roadblock on their weight loss journey. Tina often feeds into Meghan's emotions and lack of maturity, by matching it with the same energy. She never tries to make Meghan look at the bigger picture, and see how her behavior is affecting her long-term. That's most likely because Tina has that same mindset. Again, this is another example proving that Vannessa isn't afraid to approach Meghan.

On 1000-lb. Best Friends, Meghan and Tina's living arrangement isn't helping Meghan either, when it comes to life in general, or her diet. Meghan and her husband Jon Creager have been living with Tina, her four children, and her husband, Johnnie Arnold, for quite some time now. When a water pipe burst in Tina's home, they all had to evacuate and stay in a hotel room until it could be fixed. Meghan and Jon didn't get their own hotel room, and decided to stay with Tina and her family.

Once they did arrive back home, Tina's husband Johnnie gave her the push to tell Meghan and Jon to get their own place. It didn't go over well in the 1000-lb. Best Friends season 2 finale, but Meghan needs to find her own source of independence. She shouldn't be constantly relying on Tina. If Johnnie hadn't voiced his opinion that things needed to change, Tina probably wouldn't have said anything, and kept their living arrangement intact. However, she did refer to their hotel experience as, "hotel hell."

Before Meghan appeared on 1000-lb. Best Friends, she was on another show, Too Large, which focused on her weight loss journey. She explained that during that time, her health was in bad shape, and she was living with her parents. Now that she's living with Tina, she's using that same excuse. Meghan doesn't think that her health allows her to live on her own at this point.

While Meghan still has a long way to go on her weight loss journey, she's farther along than she was when she first started. She's continuing to use that excuse, and Tina seems like a "crutch." Meghan needs to be out on her own, so she can be fully responsible for herself. Meanwhile, Tina needs to stop justifying her reason, and making excuses.

Meghan and Tina are in the same place in terms of their health and weight on 1000-lb. Best Friends, but their progress has stalled immensely. She hasn't made it as far as Vannessa. Tina isn't the best example for Meghan because she seems to be content with not pushing herself any harder than she has to. Meghan appears to be on the same path. Seeing Tina not put in 110% effort has Meghan wanting to just take the easy way out.

Unlike Vannessa, Tina and Meghan don't have their plans mapped out, or even have an idea of what they want their future to look like. While it's important that they take their diet one day at a time, they aren't going beyond that mindset. Changing everything, and giving up the foods that they love (and pushing themselves in the gym), feels like too much to do all at once. Although Vannessa's proven that it's possible, they don't have that same tenacity and drive to reach their goals on 1000-lb. Best Friends. That's ultimately continuing to keep Meghan in the same spot on her diet.

Jennifer Haggard is a Reality TV Features Writer for Screen Rant. She graduated with her Paralegal degree in 2015 and worked in Litigation and Real Estate Law. Since then, she has become a Stay-at-Home Mom to her son Teddy and rediscovered her passion for writing. She enjoys binging the latest reality tv series with her husband in her spare time.