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How to Clean a TV Screen in 6 Steps Without Damaging It

Jul 07, 2023

By Lexi Dwyer

Knowing how to clean a TV screen is as important as getting all those cords and wires under control. Luckily, this cleaning project isn't nearly as complicated. And the end result is so worth it, because a streaky, smudgy television screen is like the pile of laundry taking over your bedroom floor: When you finally deal with it, you’re not only thrilled, but wondering why you didn't do it sooner. AD reached out to industry experts—in-home design sales manager Wes Williams at Best Buy in Tampa; Janice Stewart, vice president and co-owner of Castle Keepers, a residential cleaning company with locations in South Carolina and Georgia; and Allen Rathey, director of the Indoor Health Council, a group of experts who develop cleaning recommendations for public buildings—for smart suggestions about how to clean your TV that will leave your flat-screen free of streaks, smudges, and damage.

Read on for foolproof cleaning tips for LCD and plasma screens, as well as old-school TVs. Get that duster and microfiber cloth ready!

First, it's important to note that the cleaning tips below will work whether you have an LCD (liquid-crystal display) TV screen or another type, including LED (light-emitting diode), QLED (quantum-dot light-emitting diode), OLED (organic light-emitting diode), or plasma. LEDs are most commonly sold today, and although plasma TVs have glass screens, they usually have a special anti-glare coating that requires a gentle touch. Note that if you have an older tube TV, you can still use these methods, but you can also use window cleaner (see below for more specifics).

Don't void your warranty with negligent cleaning.

The first step in knowing how to clean a TV screen is to locate the owner's manual for your television. This is especially important if your TV is still under warranty, as using cleaning products or processes that aren't recommended by the manufacturer may void the warranty. If you recycled those documents ages ago, start with a simple Google search or check a site like Manuals Online.

Safety first: Unplug the TV before you embark with any cleaning tips.

Before you begin cleaning your television, unplug it. This will prevent any possible electrical mishaps such as unexpected shock, and turning the television screen off helps you fully assess it for issues like lint and grime. To better see dust, fingerprints, and smudges, turn it away from a light source, Stewart recommends.

Gently wipe down dust and lint with a microfiber cloth.

Skip the harsh paper towels or tissues, both of which Stewart says "aren't smooth enough and do not eliminate the risk of scratching the extremely sensitive TV display." Instead, use a dry anti-static microfiber cloth—this is the same type of cloth often used to remove smudges from eyeglasses or camera lenses. To avoid getting particles embedded into the delicate screen, make sure your microfiber cloth is free of dust and debris. These cleaning cloths usually come with plastic storage pouches to protect them, and can be handwashed between uses. "Gently brush the TV to get any dust off," Williams says. Use a circular motion as you work your way around the flat-screen TV, and make sure to use a light touch. "​​Pressing gently on the display will ensure that you don't damage the panel," he says. "You may see spots on the screen, but as long as you press softly these will be temporary. The harder you press the screen the higher chance the liquid crystals burn out, which could cause permanent damage." As you clean, use a new part of the microfiber cloth each time so you aren't just spreading grime around. "We recommend proper folding of the cloth to use a fresh side with each pass—folded into quarters you have eight surfaces," says Rathey, a cleaning professional and cleaning educator.

Spray just enough cleaning solution to dampen the microfiber cloth.

By Joyce Chen

By Chloe Malle

By Troy J. McMullen

A microfiber cloth wipe down may be the only thing you need to do to clean TV screens. But if you have especially stubborn spots or smudges (maybe you live with a perpetually grimy-handed toddler?), you can also add a cleaning solution as you revive the flat-screen TV in your den. Never spray the harsh chemicals directly onto the television screen, since wayward liquid could seep into your set and cause damage. "Spray cleaning solution into the microfiber cloth and rub the screen gently," Williams says. Note that you want your cloth to be damp, not dripping wet—again, to prevent rogue droplets from wreaking havoc.

Once you have finished using your cleaner of choice, take a final pass. "Be sure to remove any residue afterwards, using a microfiber cloth that has been slightly dampened with water," says Stewart. If you used a liquid cleaning spray, make sure to keep your television off for 30 minutes after you finish the job to allot for enough drying time. "Tech and moisture don't always mix well," Williams adds.

Suck up dust and lint with a vacuum attachment.

Your television's vents help the TV stay cool and work properly. You can go over them with a duster, but it's smart to also vacuum with a soft brush attachment at least once a month. Many vacuum cleaners come with them included, but you can also find one on Amazon.

For the ports, use a can of compressed air, or splurge on an electric air duster. Hold it outside the slot at an angle (never place it inside). Spray so the dust releases, and wipe it away with a dry microfiber cloth.

Your remote control might look innocuous, but it's likely playing host to a raging germ party.

By Joyce Chen

By Chloe Malle

By Troy J. McMullen

The television screen is what everyone sees first, but don't forget these other key areas, not to mention the area around your unit. "It can also help to clean the furniture and carpets around the TV to prevent dust and hair from getting into it," says Williams.

The remote control is handled regularly. This is the one time when harsh chemicals can be used sparingly. Follow the manufacturer owner's manual instructions first, but if sanitizing is needed, use a cleaner that's at least 70 percent alcohol, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommendations. (Basic drugstore isopropyl alcohol works well for this.)

Start the remote control cleaning by removing the batteries. As with the TV screen recommendations, you’ll want to avoid spraying directly onto the surface, as this could cause the device to malfunction. Dampen a clean microfiber cloth and rub gently on the top and the underside of the remote control. For hard-to-reach gunk that's jammed between the buttons, try a cotton swab dipped in a small amount of the cleaning solution. Make sure to let it dry thoroughly before replacing the batteries and using it again.

When figuring out how to clean a TV screen, selecting the safest cleaning solution is key, but it's also important to know what cleaning products to avoid. Keep in mind that not only should you skip cleaning with certain products, you should also avoid spraying them in close proximity to the TV.

Both Panasonic and Samsung both have lengthy "avoid" lists that include harsh chemicals such as wax, cleaning fluid, acetone, benzene, alcohol, thinner, mosquito repellent and insect spray (really!), lubricant, solvent and undiluted mild dish soap. These can, as Williams says, "cause clouding and can wear away your TV's anti-glare coating."

In terms of what to use, Samsung recommends "monitor cleaner only" (also called TV screen cleaner). Panasonic suggests "one part mild liquid dish soap diluted by 100 times the amount of water." To make this cleaning solution, add a scant teaspoon of liquid dish soap to two cups of water, stirring well to dissolve.

Williams likes TV cleaning kits for their ease of use. "A TV kit will be your safest option for cleaning a TV," he says. "These kits will come with everything you need to get your TV looking new, like screen-cleaning solvent and a fast-drying microfiber cloth." You can find TV cleaning kits and cleaning products designed for flat-screen TVs at electronics stores or on Amazon.

Some people swear that only distilled water is useful as cleaning spray for their delicate electronics. Although Williams does not necessarily recommend using distilled water, if you know for a fact you have hard water in your area, you may want to try the distilled water route and see if you notice a difference. Hard water, which has high levels of calcium and magnesium, may leave a film or residue when it's used for cleaning. Before you spray water to clean TV screens, try experimenting with tap water on a less-important screen, like an old cell phone, to assess the results.

If you can picture the hulking tube TVs (also known as CRTVs) of yore, you may also remember how delightfully easy they were to clean—a few spritzes of window cleaner and some wipes with paper towels and you were good to go—no special microfiber cloth required. But modern TVs with fancier technologies like LCD, OLED, and plasma call for gentler techniques. "Avoid using chemicals like alcohol, ammonia or acetones when cleaning your TV. These cleaners were safe to use for previous generations of TVs with glass panels, but as the hardware changes with time, the cleaning methods do too," says Williams. Since some multi-purpose and glass cleaners are made with ammonia, skip the Windex.

Modern TVs are often smart TVs but the cleaning tips are the same as the ones for LCD, OLED and plasma TVs. The microfiber cloth is your TV screen's best friend. "The majority of TVs you purchase today will be smart TVs, and the cleaning process is the same as TVs without smart capabilities," Williams says.