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Bendy and the Dark Revival

Aug 30, 2023




Bendy and the Dark Revival, the highly anticipated sequel to the Bendy series, has finally arrived, bringing players back into the ink-filled world. As an adventure-horror game, Bendy and the Dark Revival delivers the same captivating experience fans have come to expect from Joey Drew Studios. This game is not only a treat for loyal followers of the series but also welcomes newcomers, allowing them to dive into the story without prior knowledge of the previous games.

Bendy and the Dark Revival follows the journey of an animator named Audrey, who finds herself trapped within the ink-filled world of the Joey Drew Studios. Surrounded by animated creatures and menacing monsters, Audrey must navigate through challenging puzzles, confront enemies, and come face-to-face with the infamous Ink Demon, Bendy. The game's narrative is well-crafted, engaging players and immersing them in the unfolding story. However, new players may encounter a few unfamiliar characters, which could slightly affect their connection to the overall plot.

The game mechanics in Bendy and the Dark Revival are relatively easy to understand. One of the primary mechanics introduced early on is the reusability of items. Players must utilize specific items in multiple locations to solve puzzles, requiring them to keep this aspect in mind as they progress. At times, players may need to revisit previous areas to progress further. As the story unfolds, players will obtain the main weapon capable of taking down Ink Creatures, although not all types of Ink Creatures can be defeated with this weapon alone.

During the game's progression, players will discover the Gent Pipe, a unique tool that allows them to unlock locked doors by supplying power to them. Charging the Gent Pipe grants access to hidden areas and further advances the story. Moreover, players can upgrade the Gent Pipe using blueprints found in hidden areas, enhancing its capabilities. Resources required for upgrades can be obtained by defeating Ink Creatures and looting various locations.

Traversing the inked areas of the game will inevitably lead to encounters with the fearsome Ink Demon. These encounters intensify the game and present challenges in terms of difficulty and puzzles. Since the Gent Pipe is ineffective against the Ink Demon, players must find suitable hiding places to evade him. Memorizing paths and areas becomes crucial for escaping his grasp.

As Audrey progresses through the game, she will meet other characters who can become her allies, assisting her in combatting enemies. However, not all allies are friendly, and players must choose their companions wisely. One minor drawback of the game is the limited screen time and development given to these characters, with Audrey herself rarely making appearances. This limitation may somewhat diminish the depth of character interaction and engagement.

Bendy and the Dark Revival boasts splendid graphics, perfectly capturing the essence of a 1950s cartoon-inspired inked world. The jump scares between chapters are well-executed and leave a lasting impression. The visual quality remains consistently high throughout the entire game. The sound design effectively complements the animated world, enhancing the gameplay experience. The jump scares are accompanied by fitting sound effects, further intensifying the atmosphere. The voice acting is solid and suits the game's overall vibe, while the soundtrack adds to the overall appeal.

Bendy and the Dark Revival is a must-play indie horror game that will captivate horror enthusiasts. Although it may not be as overtly terrifying or gory as other horror games, it excels in presenting its unique atmosphere. However, unlike horror games with high replayability, Bendy and the Dark Revival follows a linear-path story mode, providing a single narrative experience. Nonetheless, there are hidden secrets and doors that players can discover by replaying the game before completing it.

Bendy and the Dark Revival delivers an outstanding gaming experience with its audio, visuals, story, and jump scares. We award this game the score it deserves: 9/10. Bendy and the Dark Revival is available on Steam for PC, as well as on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, and Xbox Series S platforms. Horror game enthusiasts should not miss out on this exceptional adventure in the ink-filled world of Bendy.

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Everdream Valley, a cozy and relaxing farming game with a touch of adventure, sets itself apart from the plethora of farming simulation games available today. While most farming games focus solely on cultivating crops and tending to animals, Everdream Valley expands the gameplay possibilities to new heights, offering a wide range of engaging activities that keep players invested.

One of the standout features of Everdream Valley is the sheer variety of roles players can undertake. In addition to the traditional farmer's responsibilities, you can also immerse yourself in the roles of fisherman, cook, milkmaid, engineer, carpenter, sheep shearer, beekeeper, miner, and more. This impressive breadth of gameplay ensures that monotony never sets in, as each role comes with its own captivating mini-games.

The game's plot is simple yet appealing. You assume the role of an 11-year-old character who arrives at their grandparents’ farm to help with various tasks. This personal connection to the farm, coupled with the opportunity to spend time with loved ones, adds a sentimental touch to the game's narrative.

Upon starting the game, you have the freedom to explore the world map or dive into the main story objectives. Everdream Valley doesn't force you to focus solely on crop growth and plant care; the choice is entirely in your hands. Whether you choose to complete quests or indulge in farm exploration, the game accommodates your preferences. Furthermore, you’ll stumble upon a convenient vendor near the farm who can assist you with your needs, albeit at a price.

The non-linear nature of Everdream Valley is another commendable aspect. Quests can be completed in any order, allowing players to pursue their interests without feeling constrained by a predetermined path. As you progress through the quests, you’ll unlock companions—a dog and a cat. With ten different dog breeds to choose from, players can personalize their experience by selecting their preferred canine companion. Training your dog by playing fetch increases its level and unlocks the ability to engage in tracking activities.

One unique mechanic in Everdream Valley is tracking, which enables players to locate lost items and animals. By finding and caring for these animals, as well as utilizing your feline companion's insect-finding skills, you can enhance your friendship levels with them. Building structures, such as fences and perches, adds an extra layer of depth to animal management, ensuring their safety on the farm.

The game introduces the cooking mechanic early on, allowing you to create various recipes using ingredients found throughout the world. Consuming these recipes boosts your maximum stamina—an essential aspect of the game. Running out of stamina can hinder your progress, so keeping food on hand to replenish it is crucial.

Everdream Valley also incorporates a dream mechanic, where you become your companion during the night to protect your animals from a wolfpack. Exploring the dream world reveals additional content and quests, including an entertaining parkour challenge with a goat. While you can choose to forego sleep and explore more freely, be wary of the wolves that roam the night.

While the majority of your time will be spent on the farm tending to animals, crops, and structures, it's worth noting that Everdream Valley features a decent-sized world map with islands waiting to be discovered. Exploring these islands allows you to encounter new animals that you can bring back to your farm, further expanding your farming experience.

The music in Everdream Valley complements the serene atmosphere, maintaining a relaxed mood throughout your journey, even when searching for hidden chickens. Although the game's controls may feel a bit clunky at first, they become more intuitive as you acclimate to them. Additionally, the graphics, while not particularly cutting-edge, suit the cozy aesthetic of a farming simulation game and can be overlooked in favor of its overall charm. The dialogue in the game follows a similar vein to other farming simulation titles, providing a decent level of engagement.

Taking all aspects into account, we award Everdream Valley a rating of 8.5 out of 10. Overall, it is an enjoyable game, particularly when shared with a loved one. If you’re in search of the latest farming simulation experience, Everdream Valley comes highly recommended.




The new third-person Cat adventure game Stray is coming out on the 19th of July and this game has a really beautiful and breathtaking theme to the world shown in the game. This game was in development for 7 years and it is finally coming out to give the players a real feel of a Stray Cat in the modern world. The developer of this game is BlueTwelve Studio and it is published by Annapurna Interactive. The developers of this game have put a lot of time in this game to make the cat character look and feel real. The players will feel that they are actually playing as a cat because of the mechanics as well as the behavior of the cat in the game.

This adventure game has a cybercity filled with the robot citizen that you’ll explore in the game. The cybercity theme is on point and they have shown that the robots have made their own living in the city. You’ll walk in the streets of this city, climb on the roofs and buildings of this city and the detailing of the city is very impressive. You can interact with all of the robots in the city and can even help the robots while progressing through the story of the game.

The jumping and climbing in the game are also very impressive. You’ll experience a real-life of a stray cat who is trying to get back to his family. You’ll be climbing barrels, trash cans, air conditioners, etc. to look for the right way. You’ll also see that there are many places that you can go, you can jump up on something or hide in a box while looking for the right path. The game has also made some neon signs in the streets of cybercity that will guide you a bit in the right direction. If you have missed the neon sign and are stuck in a place, you can also use the "Meow" of your cat. The Meow will also help you find the right path as it triggers the neon sign to glow again or something that will get your attention.

The behavior that they added of the cat is very realistic. If you see water dripping on the floor, you can drink the water from there. You can Meow to find the right path. If you see a couch or carpet, you can scratch it. You can also scratch the doors in the cybercity and by scratching some doors, the robots will open the door to check what was out there and you’ll get access to their homes. There are also some places where you can take a nap. All of the behaviors of the cat will give you a lot of joy while playing as a cat in the game.

The graphics quality of the game also stands out and the lighting quality in the cybercity is pretty amazing. You’ll experience really good quality lightning while in the city and by going into different homes, shops, roofs, and buildings, you’ll see a cybercity from the eyes of a Stray Cat.

The total length of the gameplay is about 7-8 hours if you only play through the story. But if you explore the whole city and interact will all the robots and help them, it can be extended to 10 hours.

We have considered some good and bad points of Stray from the gameplay.

Although, the game is a must-try and if you like adventure games then you should probably give it a go because this game will give you a whole new experience of adventure while playing as a cat. With all the elements that the game has to offer. A great game with a good story and ambiance of the world with the experience of playing as a Stray Cat. This game will be available on July 19th for Playstation 4, Playstation 5, and Microsoft Windows.

We’ll rate this game 9.5/10.
