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Atomic Heart Skill Trees [All 7 Explained] 

May 22, 2023

Atomic Heart focuses on the soviet union era of 1955 and, in most places, focus on its RPG aspects, with skills, upgrades, weapons, and enemies that players can amass. With the Atomic Heart Skill Trees being so complex, it can become a bit tedious to figure out what skills and upgrades are. Therefore players might require assistance figuring it out!

Kicking things off, let's consider and explain in detail what exactly the Atomic Heart Skill Trees are in this game.

In the know, there are currently 7 skill trees in the game that are represented towards the left side of the screen. Players can access these skill trees by heading toward the giant red machine and interacting with it, which goes further in-depth. Computer 1 asks you to select the desired procedure and offers you three options:

After booting the system, it splits into its respective skill trees in Atomic Heart. There are a total of 7 skill trees which are as follows:

In Atomic Heart, whenever you open your specific skill tree, such as Frostbite, you can see two types of shapes enlisted for the player.

Taking Frostbite as an example, we have the cryo-jet as the "base skill" that players need to install to slot it into their skill slots, and then they can use it freely.

Essentially, whenever players open their skill trees and skill screen, they can see on the bottom of the screen "skills in use."

Starting things off, let's look at the first skill tree, the Shok. It is one of the first skill trees that features primarily only Passive buffs/upgrades that players can use. It has 10 passive buffs that players can acquire, and they are listed as follows.

One of the first ones we have on the list is Powerful Electrization, and players need to spend a total of 87 neuropolymer to buy it, after which they don't need to install it; rather, it can be used automatically.

The second one is known as Neuro-Polymer Accelerator. With it, players can have their overall SHOK cooldown decreased by a little bit, costing 75 neuropolymer to buy.

With the Resistor Malfunction upgrade, plates need to spend a total of 61 neuropolymer, and they can cause any opponents that have been originally electrified by you to take in even more damage.

Moving on, when it comes to the next buff, we have Power Amplifier, which costs back players 40 neuropolymer, making it out to be on a bit of a cheap end.

As for the next passive, players can use Electrization to cause opponents to become electrified with their SHOK, which makes them all the weaker so that players can easily take them down even more easily.

As far as SHOK is concerned, players can use their gloves to take out an electromagnetic discharge toward opponents that continues to further target them, and it can deal even more electric damage to enemies that are present infront of them. Typically robotic targets can take in even more electric damage since they are highly vulnerable to electricity.

The Amplified Modulator will act as an upgrade to the Electromagnetic unit through which the overall range is able to be enhanced.

Moving on, we have chain lighting; one part of the discharge bounces, and it will damage a bonus enemy, costing 69 (nice!) neuropolymer.

With chain lightning, whenever the extended topology buff is bought for 75 neuropolymer, players can target out one more enemy and cause them to intake damage.

Lastly, we have the final passive buff for the shock Atomic Heart Skill Tree; if any secondary targets are hit by chain lightning, they will intake full damage.

The next of the Atomic Heart Skill Trees is the Character skill tree, which has about 19 upgrades/buffs.

Kicking things off with athlete, pay up 165 neuropolymer to enhance your over-maximum HP, allowing for easier survival.

With a juggler, players can spend 87 neuropolymer, and whenever a juggler is used, players can use a Neuromad capsule using only one hand.

If players decide to spend 75 neuropolymer, then they can use this upgrade to enhance their backpack's overall capacity with the help of compression rate upgrades.

Anytime players are using cluster munitions, and they make use of the extra capacity cluster munitions, they can grant even more capacity for their cluster munitions which can help them a lot. Players need to spend 27 neuropolymer for this upgrade.

Using the help of Born Marksman, if you spend 119 neuropolymer, you can expect to have your marksmanship skills enhance the overall accuracy of your unaimed shooting.

If you feel like you’re unable to swap out weapons quickly, then you can look forward to using a full house, through which you can swap out weapons 100% quickly.

With parkour in hand, players will be trained to instantly tuck themselves and roll whenever they fall so they don't end up taking fall damage. To do that, players need to attempt to jump right before they land.

With Nora's Kiss, for a limited amount of time, players can take in deadly damage that is incoming towards them from the enemy's end even if they only have 1 hp; however, the skill has a cooldown.

Since every player has a proper med uni in their character, with the med unit upgrade, they can restore even more health, and for that, players need to spend 57 neuropolymer.

The muscle head upgrade is very simple since it ups your overall health, but players need to spend 110 neuropolymer for it.

If you feel like your suit's laser resistance is going down, then use the photon sink to enhance it.

Another health upgrade is the wild boar, which bumps it all the more so that your overall survivability is fully guaranteed.

While using the second wind upgrade, players can expect their physical ability to grant them an extra dodge charge.

As for cell division, whenever it is bought for 242 neuropolymer (yikes, that's expensive!), anytime players use medical supplies to fully regain their max HP, it will take only a few seconds.

Sleazeball has to be one of the most useful upgrades since anytime players are in combat and are being attacked if they dodge, they don't take damage.

The morning exercise is described as assisting players with their running speed since the upgrade enhances it.

With an avatar in hand, it will grant players resistance to any sort of elemental damage, ensuring that they can survive for a long.

With Bulwark, anytime some enemies are launching out physical damage against you; players will gain enhanced resistance.

Moving on, the next character skill tree we would like to talk about is the Frostbite tree, which has a total of 11 upgrades and one base skill, represented on the bottom by the hexagonal node.

The skill that we are talking about is known as the cryo jet, and players are able to make use of their gloves to attack targets as well as surfaces using a cryopolymer jet. The enemies that have been affected end up being frozen and are not able to move, no matter what. Enemies that are considered to be organic are more vulnerable to temperatures that are on the lower end.

With High Pressure in hand, players can expect the Cryo Jet's pressure chamber to be upgraded and enhanced even further, which ends up enhancing its overall range.

Using the drastic measure, if there is any moment where the glove's reserves have been finished, it ends up producing using your bloodstream to summon forth and make cryopolymer, which grants players the ability to make use of the cryo jet in exchange for a little bit of health. Players need to spend 35 neuropolymer for this.

Using forced defrost, any targets that have been frozen can intake extra damage, and this is done time the freeze effects end up ending.

If an enemy has been frozen on the battlefield, then, using Careful Dissasembly, players can gain enhanced loot, and the players need to spend 66 neuropolymer.

Using the Neuro-Polymer Accelerator, players can have the cooldown of the polymer jet reduced. It costs 70 neuropolymer to unlock.

While players are using the increased polymer generation, they can use their cryo jet to fire out for longer periods, and players need to spend 101 neuropolymer to buy it.

With the help of a fire extinguisher, players can negate any kind of fire damage that is incoming towards them, which can be done using the cryo jet's spray.

While you’re using intensive spraying, you can speed up the discharge from the cryopolymer so that if targets need to be frozen, they can be frozen faster.

If you end up using the diffuse spray head, you can spray out cryopolymer in a cone-shaped area.

The total durability of the cryopolymer ends up being increased and improved with cryo sleep, and the total freeze duration is enhanced. Players need to pay up to 88 neuropolymer for this.

If you use cryogenic freezing and carry it out at extreme temperatures, it continues to damage enemies frozen every second. Players need to send 104 neuropolymer to get absolute zero.

The next Atomic Heart Skill Trees we have is the mass telekinesis which has a main skill called mass telekinesis, which can grant players the ability to grip all opponents that are present in the AoE radius and cause them to go airborne for a little bit. After that, they end up crashing back to the ground.

With the amplified Modulator, players can use it as an upgrade to the telekinesis unit through which the AoE of the mass telekinesis is bumped up, costing 79 neuropolymer.

Another passive upgrade is the barotrauma, which enhances the overall damage dealt by the mass telekinesis skill every second that passes, costing players 93 neuropolymer.

With the help of drastic measures, anytime your glove's reserves are near depleted, you can use your body's ATP to cast out your ability, and it costs 144 neuropolymer.

Using the increased impact buff, the duration during which opponents stay airborne is enhanced, and it costs players back 210 neuropolymer.

With the help of increased power, the overall power of the mass telekinesis is greatly increased, through which players can lift opponents that are on the heavier end, ad it also costs players 144 neuorpolymer.

The cooldown of the mass telekinesis is reduced whenever the Neuro-Polymer Accelerator is used, and players need to buy it by spending 175 neuropolymer.

Another one we have is the energy vampire, during which players can cause enemies that are airborne to have their overall energy drained, and it needs one power cell from the player in order to activate it.

As for the Polymeric Jet skill tree, players can make use of its in-house skill, with which players can use their gloves to spray opponents and any surfaces using a sharp jet made of combat polymer. Once the jet has been used, the polymer can be set on fire, and can be frozen too, and can deal damage to opponents.

The Polymeric Jet's pressure chamber is enhanced, enhancing its maximum range quite a bit, and players need to spend only 23 neuropolymer for this.

Consistent upgrades improve upon the durability of the combat polymer that has been applied by the player, which enhances the overall duration of the effect.

The overall viscosity of the combat polymer is bumped up, with which it is able to slow down the rotors and causes more airborne opponents to grow weaker.

The enhanced glove output allows the polymeric jet to be fired for longer periods of time.

With the increased chemical reactivity distance buff in Atomic Heart, anytime it is used on an opponent, the combat polymer will also start to affect opponents nearby, costing 39 neuropolymer.

The combat polymer is enhanced so that chemical reactions such as fire and electrification are made to be a lot more devastating to opponents.

The combat polymer's viscosity is bumped up, so opponents are slowed down by a lot more, and players need to spend 63 neuropolymer on it.

The overall cooldown of the polymer jet is reduced, and players need to spend 89 neuropolymer.

Players can also take a look at the polymeric shield skill tree, through which the glove can surround players with a neuropolymer shield which can protect players from any kind of range as well as melee attacks that are directed at them. It also redirects part of it to the power reserves.

Anytime you can cast out the polymeric shield at its full capacity and it is retracted, it causes an explosion to take place that sprays opponents with the help of combat polymer.

The overall recirculation chamber of the refill rate is enhanced, and players need to spend 46 neuropolymer.

Using the sponge effect, players can recharge their energy meter with the help of melee attacks.

Whenever the kinetic reflector is in use, the polymeric shield can double up any kind of incoming melee damage and can reflect it toward the opponents.

The overall cooldown of the polymeric shield is decreased with the help of the Neuro-Polymer Accerlator, and players need to spend 96 neuropolymer for this.

With that, we also have the kinetic reflector upgrade, through which players can enhance the overall reflected damage and block out any kind of crit attacks launched at them.

Using the reflective surface, players can use the extra ionisation to reflect any kind of laster attacks with the polymeric shield.

Any and all kinds of incoming ranged attacks are reflected back to the opponent.

The polymeric shield is able to last longer with enhanced glove output.

Lastly, the med unit feedback can use the polymeric shield to redirect a bit of the incoming damage toward the med unit and restores your HP.

With energy management, we have passive buffs that players can use, and there isn't really a centric skill for energy management.

With the energy density buff, players can add up an extra power cell to the recirculation chamber.

While the thrift is in your hands, any and all of your ranged attacks end up consuming less power from the recirculation chamber.

If players want their energy regeneration to get enhanced, then they can use the energy containment buff for 239 neuropolymer.

If you have HP that has been lost while in combat, then it can be instantly recycled into energy for 82 neuropolymer.

As for greedy guts, using any kind of melee attack end up restoring extra energy to the recirculation chamber, and players need to spend 146 neuropolymer for it.

And there we have it! All skills, skill trees, and upgrades that are present for Atomic Heart Skill Trees, and with that, we will wrap up our guide! While you’re at it, you might want to read up on our Atomic Heart Game Length guide so that you are able to know how long the game is! Why not also read up on our Atomic Heart Trophies guide so that you can know which trophies to grind for?

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Atomic Heart Atomic Heart Skill Trees IMPORTANT 7 skill trees Neuropolymers hexagon-shaped nodes square nodes 2 active skills main benefit Skill Trees Explained Atomic Heart Skill Trees 7 1 skill trees in Atomic Heart How Do Skills Work specific skill tree, shapes install square nodes upgrades Frostbite cryo-jet "base skill upgrades or buffs How Many Skills Can Be Used 2 active skills Shok skill tree Shok Passive buffs/upgrades Powerful Electrization Powerful Electrization Neuro-Polymer Accelerator Neuro-Polymer Accelerator 75 neuropolymer Resistor Malfunction Resistor Malfunction 61 neuropolymer Power Amplifier Power Amplifier SHOK Electrization Electrization Shok SHOK gloves Amplified Modulator Amplified Modulator Chain Lighting chain lighting Extended Topology Full Contact shock Atomic Heart Skill Tree; if any secondary targets are Character Atomic Heart Skill Trees Character skill tree Athlete athlete Juggler juggler Neuro-Compression Tactical Backpack Extra Capacity Cluster Munitions extra capacity cluster munitions Born Marksman Born Marksman Full House full house Parkour parkour Nora's Kiss Nora's Kiss Med Unit Upgrade med unit upgrade Musclehead muscle head upgrade Photon Sink photon sink Wild Boar wild boar Second Wind second wind upgrade Cell Division cell division Sleazeball Sleazeball Morning Exercise morning exercise Avatar avatar Bulwark Bulwark Frostbite Frostbite tree base skill Cryo Jet cryo jet High Pressure High Pressure Drastic Measure the drastic measure Forced Defrost forced defrost Careful Disassembly Neuro-Polymer Accelerator Neuro-Polymer Accelerator polymer jet Increased Polymer Generation increased polymer generation Fire Extinguisher fire extinguisher Intensive Spraying intensive spraying Diffuse Spray Head diffuse spray head Cryo Sleep durability of the cryopolymer Absolute Zero Mass Telekinesis Atomic Heart Skill Trees mass telekinesis mass telekinesis Amplified Modulator amplified Modulator Barotrauma barotrauma Drastic Measure drastic measures Increase Impact increased impact buff Increased Power increased power Neuro-Polymer Accelerator Energy Vampire energy vampire Polymeric Jet Polymeric Jet skill tree High Pressure Environmental Resistance Neuro-Polymer Air Defense Increased Polymer Generation Increased Chemical Reactivity Distance increased chemical reactivity distance buff in Atomic Heart Mixture Efficacy High Viscosity Neuro-Polymer Accelerator Polymeric Shield polymeric shield skill tree Overload And Stabilise polymeric shield Absorption Coefficient Sponge Effect sponge effect Kinetic Reflector kinetic reflector Neuro-Polymer Accelerator cooldown Kinetic Reflector Upgrade kinetic reflector upgrade Reflective Surface reflective surface Neuro-Polymer Reflector Increased Polymer Generation Med Unit Feeback med unit feedback Energy Management energy management Energy Density energy density buff Thrift thrift Energy Containment energy regeneration energy containment ATP Recycling Greedy Guts greedy guts Summary Atomic Heart Skill Trees,