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13 Best Avengers Members Who Joined in the '90s (Ranked)

May 08, 2023

From Stingray to your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, these interesting additions were made to the Avengers team in the radical '90s.

From grunge to Furbys, the '90s were an interesting time; this extends to the comic book universe, especially Marvel and its additions to the famed superhero squad, the Avengers. Some underutilized and not well-known characters joined the roster during the 1990s. There was even one villain turned good guy in the mix.

At the same time, many of Marvel's best and brightest joined the team, including a notable Eternal. The '90s were an important era for comics, with many containing massive storylines that were either a huge success or went over like a lead balloon. Similarly, the '90s were when the rivalry between Marvel and DC was at its most competitive, resulting in some noteworthy changes to the publishers' flagship series. The Avengers happened to be one such case.

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Joining the Avengers in 1990, Stingray has enhanced strength and durability as well as the ability to breathe underwater thanks to his armored exoskeleton suit that was designed to work submerged in water. The suit also grants him the ability to swim at extreme speeds.

He ranks among the least powerful of the '90 additions due to his powers being limited to the water. While Stingray is a genius, his smarts can only get him so far against some of the Avengers' foes, especially if battles happen to take place on land rather than the sea.

Making his Avengers debut in 1991, Rage gained his powers from toxic waste exposure after hiding from bullies as a teenager. This resulted in Rage gaining superhuman abilities. To be specific, Rage has been imbued with super strength, stamina, speed, durability, and the power to resist injury. Further, he becomes even stronger when he's hit, meaning that each blow only makes him more powerful.

In a sweet, wholesome note, his grandma was the one to encourage Rage to use his powers for good instead of evil. While Rage does have some intimidating powers, his abilities are not as impressive compared to the other Avengers who joined in the '90s.

Having the power of telekinesis, Justice, formerly Marvel Boy, joined the Avengers in 1998. It was a dream come true for Justice to join the Avengers, causing him to commit some minor mistakes at first due to being starstruck. However, he eventually proved himself, helping formulate the plans to defeat Ultron.

While Justice can make himself fly through his telekineses and even hold numerous people, he ranks lower among the other '90s additions because his telekinesis was limited in its scope. Also, when Justice did use his powers to the absolute limit, he would suffer from headaches and nosebleeds.

Mainly known as a Spider-Man villain, Sandman later became an antihero. His benevolent transformation resulted in Sandman joining the Avengers in 1991. Granted the ability to shapeshift after a radioactive sand bonding accident, Sandman can also fly in sandstorm form.

Joining the Avengers along with Spider-Man to thwart the Space Phantom, the Sandman proved a helpful hand to the team. Despite his past as a criminal and supervillain, Sandman was a surprisingly cooperative teammate. As a result, his already imposing powers aided his willingness to engage in teamwork.

Making his first appearance in Avengers West Coast #63 in 1990, Lighting, also known as Living Lightning, officially joined the team in 1991. After an accident with a machine, as many comics character origins happen, Lightning gained the power of controlling lightning and living as the embodiment of lightning.

In his lightning form, he can fly extremely fast, protect himself with an electrical force field, and generate his own electrical power that he can use as a weapon in the form of shocks or bolts. Since this hero is a human embodiment of lightning, he needs a special containment suit to retain a solid form, necessitating special requirements for this otherwise intimidating superhero.

A member of numerous superhero teams including the X-Men, New Warriors, and Hellions, Firebird has shown that she is a great team player. A mutant, Firestar has the power of electromagnetic energy. She can store it, project it, or manipulate it. Further, she can release heat, light, and radiation into the environment.

Joining the Avengers in 1998, Firestar has also been shown to disrupt telepathy in others. While Firestar harnesses her powers in fear of causing widespread destruction on Earth, she has actually been able to injure Garthan Saal after he had the energy of the entire Nova Corps in space.

Basically Hal-9000 from Stanley Kubrick's classic film 2001: A Space Odyssey in the form of a human-appearing robot, Machine Man, or X-51, became part of the Avengers in 1991. In his robotic form, he has superhuman strength, durability, protection from energy attacks, limb extension, and the ability to fly. Additionally, he has an arsenal of tools and weapons in his suit. On top of all that, after Machine Man absorbed Sentinel nanotechnology, he gained even more powers.

One of his most interesting is the ability to disable the powers of any mutant that is around him. Likewise, he can change his appearance at will. Since Machine Man is a supercomputer on legs with a list of intimidating capabilities, he is a major asset to the Avengers as well as other superhero teams and alliances he has joined over the years.

The Julia Carpenter version of Madame Web, aka Spider-Woman, joined the Avengers in Avengers West Coast #74 in 1991. She is the second version of the Madame Web character, and gained her powers by being a test subject in an experiment that used spider venom and plant extracts to create powers akin to Spider-Man's.

As a result, she has the gifts of super agility, speed, reflexes, strength, and stamina as well as the ability to walk on walls. Madame Web can weave psionic webs with psychokinetic energy and has a specialized background in espionage and combat due to her training from the Commission on Superhuman Activities. As Madame Web, she also has gained the gift of clairvoyance.

Making his Avengers team member debut in 1993, Darkhawk appeared in Avengers West Coast #94. He gained his powers by merging with an android that his own mind controlled thanks to a powerful amulet. Vowing to use his powers to beat crime, Darkhawk stayed true to his word when he joined Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S and the New Warriors in addition to the Avengers.

In the Darkhawk armor, he can use the abilities that have been enhanced by Shi'ar technology that was imbued with magic. Some of his powers include summoning weapons from other dimensions and firing blasts of dark energy from his amulet-covered chest.

Gaining his powers in an interesting way, Eric Kevin Masterson aka Thunderstrike was saved by the Norse God of Thunder by sealing his own mind in Masterson but giving him his form and powers. Hence, he basically has the same powers as Thor

Thunderstrike joined the Avengers in 1993 before he was killed only two years later in 1995. Wielding Mjolnir, Thunderstrike has the strength of the Asgardians along with the Allspeak power. In a nutshell, Thunderstrike has all the powers a typical Asgardian has, which is not too shabby for a previously human architect.

Recently seen in the MCU's 2021 Phase 4 film, Eternals, Sersi has been a member of both The Avengers and God Squad as well as being part of the superhuman race, the Eternals. First becoming an Avengers teammate in 1990, Sersi is the Eternal who has lived among humans more than any other member. Her affinity for humanity naturally lent itself to helping out the Avengers.

An Earth Eternal, she is gifted the power of total control over her molecular structure. Sersi is basically immortal and is able to transmute matter, the only Eternal to do so. She can also teleport, project images and cosmic energy, and create illusions.

Joining the Avengers in 1992, Crystal has often been regarded as one of the most powerful female heroes of Marvel. An Inhuman, Crystal underwent modifications from the Kree, adding to her already impressive physiology. As an Inhuman, she has superhuman strength, speed, stamina, durability, agility, and reflexes.

After her exposure to the Terrigen Mist, Crystal gained the power to manipulate the elements. This means that she can manipulate the earth, air, water, and fire. For example, she can cause seismic tremors that mimic powerful earthquakes.

One of the most famous superheroes ever and among Marvel's most popular characters, Spider-Man was a top-tier addition to the Avengers in the '90s. First joining the team in 1991, he has the abilities of super strength, speed, agility, reflexes, stamina, durability, coordination, and balance. Further, he can climb on surfaces, giving him access to places others would not have. Likewise, he can feel oncoming danger with his spidey sense.

While his membership may ebb and flow over the years, Spider-Man maintains his sense of loyalty and duty to the team. This is seen in The Avengers Vol. 6 #1 when Peter Parker actually became the benefactor of the Avengers.